You found us.
Now discover why.

Welcome to DexaFit North Jersey,
where cutting-edge health tech meets the discerning wellness seeker.

Our Services:

DexaFit Body Scan: assesses body fat %, muscle mass, bone density, biological age, and more!

Metabolism Test: pinpoints number of calories burned allowing you to fine tune your nutrition goals.

VO2 Max Test: assesses max oxygen intake, heart rate zones, and more!

Red Light Therapy: clinically shown to increase collagen production, improve mood, and decrease pain.

Perhaps it was Tim Ferriss' "The 4-Hour Body" or Dr. Peter Attia's "Outlive" that sparked your curiosity. Or maybe a savvy doctor nudged you our way. However you found us, we’re glad you’re here.

When the scale just doesn't cut it

Ever wondered what your scale's number really means? Fat lost, muscle gained, or a bit of both? At DexaFit, we believe in clarity beyond the digits. Traditional health check-ups often miss the mark, doling out one-size-fits-all advice. And while wearables track the basics, we're about the full picture. Think of us as your health's maestro, orchestrating data from various sources into a symphony of insights.

DexaFit unveils your health story.

Picture a place where old-school health assessments evolve into personalized health narratives, powered by the latest tech. At DexaFit, we don't just measure; we decode. We're your partners in a health journey marked by precision, personalization, and empowerment. Your health story is unique, and we're here to add definition to every chapter. Be it weight loss, athletic prowess, or muscular definition, our tailored solutions are your secret weapon.

Your next chapter in health starts here

Dive deeper into your health journey with DexaFit. Get detailed analysis of your body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, metabolic health, and more. With our advanced technology and expert guidance, you will receive personalized insights tailored specifically to you. Don't leave your health to chance; book an appointment with us to reach your peak potential.

Book an appointment.